Viktor Kalvachev (@viktor_kalvachev) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Viktor is a visual storyteller from Bulgaria, he makes lots of portraits and there’s quite a bit of traditional medium on his feed. Some of his works, especially the covers, are digital and completely amazing, but pretty much the rest are pencil sketches in which there’s no doubt at all he’s a master.

His experience is invaluable, in his career he has been a graphic designer, a creative officer, a novel creator, a freelancer and this is just a slice of the full list. You know you’re looking at an artwork coming from an artist like Viktor with such a high level of knowledge when you see there isn’t just one thing on the canvas that is done well, or even perfectly, but all of them are. I mean it’s not just the drawing, it’s not the color, nor the pose, it isn’t the background and it is not the technique, it’s all of them in a single piece. I really like all of his works, even the quickest of the sketches.

Here’s an example of a gorgeous art, Wonder Woman for DC Comics is looking fantastic! The drawing and the body are fenomenal, he perfectly balanced the warrior and the woman that are both part of the heroine. I love the Lasso of Truth, her peculiar weapon, and I also think the blurred out background is making the scene very potent. Super cool, a character I happen to like a lot from the movies aswell.

The woman on the second picture is the digital version of a painting (originally on watercolors, acrylics, pencil) from a few years ago. The traditional version was also one piece of a series of three, where he painted the same girl in different poses. I like the “mystique” feeling this one is giving me and the bright red flashy hair suggesting a demon-like character. Very nice.

What do you think about Viktor? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Viktor deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @viktor_kalvachev

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!