Luna Vargas (@33lunas) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Luna is an illustrator and character designer from Chile, she mostly works digitally and has a passion for colorful images. I think I’m going to say something unique this time: I look at the artworks and I see the passion. It’s obviously something a lot if not all of the artists I featured through the blog have, most likely, and I like them all the same way. Luna tho this time hooked me with something special which I don’t quite know how to explain and I think I can actually see the passion in her art rather than just having to imagine it’s there cause it would be obvious. I recognize this might just be a personal thing, yet I think I should say it to let you and her know and I hope you can look at the illustrations the same way I do because it’s adding to the experience the best feeling in the world and helps transforming great pieces into even more beautiful ones.

“My baby cat Umi being curious” is suuuuch a wonderful illustration, so cute! I love animals, cats especially, and the big eyes she gave it are magnetic. They call for love and cuddles. What’s best is you can find the process video on IG for this one: you just have to swipe the main pic. I found it super nice! Sending all the virtual love in the world to baby Umi, may it be the character Luna draws a thousand more times!

The second pic is her D&D party! She made them look so funny and unprepared ahah. It has to be the “let’s start an adventure together” kinda moment and I fully expect them to have geared up a lot since then. I love how every character there gives away some of its personality through the pose and the expression. My favorites are the big draconic leading the pack and the girl in the back!

What do you think about Luna? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Luna deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @33lunas
Facebook: Luna Vargas
Twitter: Luna Vargas

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!