Hi Friends!
For the last few weeks, I’ve been working on my newest class for Skillshare, and today it is officially live! Its title is “Drawing Facades in Ink and Watercolor”, I’m proud of what I’ve created and I’d really appreciate if you’d help me out by watching my class.
If you’re not familiar, Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes on everything from business to graphic design to fashion – it’s the Netflix of learning.
By using the special link below to sign up for Skillshare Premium Membership, you’ll get access to all 8 of my classes, plus all other classes on Skillshare, starting with a two-months free trial.
Not only is this a great deal, but your enrollment in my newest class will help it “trend” on Skillshare, which means that more students will discover it!
If you know of anyone else that’d be interested to learn watercolors, I’d appreciate if you’d share the link with them too.
Thanks so much!

In this course we will have a lot of fun with colors and ink which are a perfect duo to experiment, combined together in a unique style.
We will start by studying a reference photo, analyzing it to take all the information we need to simplify and bring it onto paper.
Then I will teach you to give life to the drawing with expressive and spontaneous lines made with ink and finally we will pick brushes and colors and i will share with you all my tips to paint white walls, grass, trees and details to make colors pop up!
This is an intermediate class and I will not cover all the basics, so if you find it too difficult i recommend you my other classes first, where i go deeper in details about watercolor techniques.
So, let’s pick up all the materials to draw!