Amarilys Henderson (@watercolordevo) is my pick for today’s talent!
If you don’t know what A Year on Talents is here you can find the description of the project: A Year on Talents Project

Amarilys is an artist, author and instructor primarily working with watercolor. Her profile is home to a lot of different subjects: you’ll find florals, animals, patterns, lettering and more!

When I look at her art I can feel the joy coming out of the paintings, it has to be the related with the colors she uses. She posts plenty of different ideas and and every single one says “try to make one like this”! On her website you’ll also find a tons of products where her design was used, take a look.

The first image you see here is coming straight from her book “Drawing & painting expressive little faces”. I watched all the Skillshare class she posted on this subject but I missed the book, good thing I discovered it now cause it’s already on my wishlist!

The second image is super interesting because you can clearly see how she was able to start with a simple shape of color, on the left, and imagine a full painting to bring to life, on the right. It’s an amazing creative process, super useful trick if you feel stuck and with no ideas.

What do you think about Amarilys? Do you also love what’s going on here?
I’d like to discuss today’s talent with you in the comments below!

If you think Amarilys deserves a follow or you wanna see more I’ve got you covered
Instagram: @watercolordevo

I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow for the next episode!